Premium SSD Hosting
Premium Hosting at Kinetic Servers is done a little differently than the huge cheap hosting companies out there. Don’t get us wrong places like Host Gator and Host Monster have their place but they cater to a completely different clientele than Kinetic Servers Premium Hosting. First we do hosting right. Which means we don’t over sell our servers we keep the amount of hosted domains to a sane level so everyone being hosted is provided a quick and speedy experience.
Premium Hosting Means We Aren’t For Everyone
Second we don’t just let anyone who comes along sign up and begin hosting. If that what you are looking for then you need to look elsewhere for hosting. We only host people and businesses who fit our philosophy, that is to say people looking for solid reliable always on always up web hosting. People who need specialized hosting to help their business grow on the internet.
Personal One to One Hosting Support
Thirdly we provide personal support. when you have issues or need help we are their to help we dont pawn it off to some out of state or out of country 3rd party you call us or chat with us you get one of us, someone who is familiar with you and your needs and website.
We dont allow warez, porn or torrents on our servers or any behaviour that is considered illegal or violates copyright. and we maintain this stance by knowing who we are hosting and what it is they are doing on our servers.
We are not here just to make a buck we are here to provide the best hosting experience for our clients as possible. If always on hyperfast premium hosting is what you have been searching for and need superior personal support on a well hardened secure server then go ahead…